The agreement, unveiled during French President Emmanuel Macron’s state visit to India, marks a strategic alliance between the Indian conglomerate and the European aerospace giant. Indian Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra, during a media briefing, detailed the industrial partnership, emphasizing the production of H125 helicopters with a substantial emphasis on localizing components.
This collaboration builds upon the successful cooperation between Tata and Airbus in the manufacturing of the C-295 transport aircraft in Gujarat, a venture aligned with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision for self-reliance in defense production.
The newly announced final assembly line (FAL) for helicopters is projected to be operational within 24 months, with deliveries anticipated to commence in 2026. Airbus, in a statement, indicated that the helicopters produced will not only cater to India’s needs but will also be exported to neighboring countries.
During Macron’s visit, discussions delved into broader defense collaboration, with talks centering on the potential involvement of French engine maker Safran in the production of fighter jet engines in India.
India’s Ambassador to France, Jawed Ashraf, expressed Safran’s willingness to engage in a full transfer of technology, encompassing design, development, certification, and production.
France, already India’s second-largest arms supplier, aims to deepen its military contracts, leveraging existing deals for Rafale fighter jets and Scorpene-class submarines.
The visit solidifies France’s position as a key ally for India as both nations navigate geopolitical complexities in the Asia-Pacific region.